Ein YouTube Video von Pablo & Ludmila

„Forbidden High Boleos in a Crowded Milonga”

Mehr von Pablo und Ludmila https://www.pabloyludmila.com/

Und auf Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pabloyludmilatango

Pablo & Ludmila
Mai 2018

Pablo and Ludmila are both professional musicians and tango dancers.
They studied music at the University of Music and Perfoming Arts (MDW) in Vienna, Austria and improved as tango dancers in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It is important to emphasize that Pablo & Ludmila are the first and only couple in the entire world that dances tango and also plays music as a Tangoduo (Piano & C-violin).

In October 2013, Pablo & Ludmila won the 1st prize and the Viewers´ Choice award at the International Open Tango Salon Championship in Budapest, Hungary.

They have also performed and taught tango in Chile, Argentina, Canada, USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Montenegro, Poland, Czech Rep. and Hungary.

Die Videos (kostenlos!) von Paplo & Ludmila muss man gesehen haben!

Euer Joachim
(Admin – Tanzpartner suchen)